A Collection of Spring Cleaning Ideas
With the beginning of spring coming in grey and rainy in Bulgaria, it is a little difficult to get into the idea of spring cleaning. To be perfectly honest, I have never been into that deep cleaning ritual and with a son, taking the time to clean every little nook in our home is not possible. And as far as cleaning up the Paiyak Development office- well- I will just say that I am still on last year’s fiscal report (What? It is March already!?!) so I haven’t gotten into the spring cleaning there, either.
However, I thought I would collect some good spring cleaning tips for your website, just in case you are ahead of me in the cleaning game and looking for something else that you can organize and freshen up for the spring.
- Not directly related to cleaning up your website- Evernote gives some good ideas for cleaning up your personal (and professional) digital spaces that will make you more efficient when it comes to other aspects of your work. Once I find the time to do my digital spring cleaning, this is the list I will start with.
- cio.com gives some good tips for cleaning up and decluttering your e-commerce site. There are some good ideas in there that will get you ready for summer sales and an entire year of worry-free commerce.
- ittybiz.com has some good suggestions for giving your branding a thorough soak and rinse– leaving your website looking squeaky clean and ready to attract new users.
- Orbit Media offers some in-depth ideas for items you should consider removing completely from your website. Fair warning- the list is extensive and it might get you started on a more thorough spring cleaning than you originally intend to do.
That’s it! Four simple lists that will give you plenty of excuses to avoid the pollen and stay inside, shaking the dust off of your website.