7 Hopes for the Upcoming Year
While they are a little short of super-actionable resolutions, I thought I would take the time to share some of our company’s hopes for 2016. With the closing of our first year and the opening of our second year we hope for stability, growth, and the continued opportunity to do the things we love, such as:
Go to WordCamp USA.
Because the tickets for WordCamp Europe sold out so fast this year, we won’t be able to make it. However, Nikola has it in his head that he would like to go to WordCamp USA in Philadelphia. Logistically and cost-wise it is a bit of a jump from Europe, but definitely something we are considering.
Develop our design portfolio.
We have been heavy on the development side of things, but have only completed a few design projects last year. This year, we hope to concentrate on providing design solutions to our clients as well as developing current projects.
Hire a full-time senior developer.
Around summertime we will be looking to expand our team with one more qualified developer in order to continue giving our growing pool of clients quality, timely work and to allow Nikola to have a little break.
Buy a Foosball table.
Nikola wants one for the office. I want more practical amenities, such as a microwave and mini-refrigerator (although not having these things makes an excellent excuse for ordering Chinese food for lunch). Either way, we are looking forward to sprucing up our office with more goodies this year.
Craft a new business plan.
I love writing business plans, and at the end of this year, our two year business plan will have finished. This means I get to buckle down, utilize a ton of management and strategy formulas and write a 5-year plan for us. Hours of fun, seriously.
Volunteer more.
Last year, we did not reach our goals for volunteerism and community engagement. Although running a successful business is a priority for us, running an ethical business is also important. We hope to fix that balance and increase our local community engagement this year.
Work on our secret project.
We have a secret project in the works. It pulls on our love for nature and our geekiness. It will involve improving our non-programing technical skills and help us meet our desire to give back to the Bulgarian community.
In a nutshell, that is what we have on our hope-plan for the year. We can’t wait to see if we can achieve our goals.